Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Can I finally say midterms are over?

It's been a while! I have been so tied up writing midterms for the past three weeks that I don't know where my time has gone. With my final ones being written last Monday (St Patty's Day, the shame), I can finally breath a sigh of relief!! But only for a few weeks until finals roll around.  I am in a dire need to go out and have some beers with friends this weekends, that's for sure.

Also, I was in need of some fresh produce and a fridge restock since studying for exams and my assignments left me little time for the necessities.  I also went to Bulk Barn and took advantage of student discount day (hooray for bargains!).   Other than my trip to the grocery store, it was a blah day outside so I just went to class, work, and home to finish off the fun. 
 I remembered to take a picture of my snack today.  It has not become a habit yet for me to show you all my meals and randomness for the day, but this picture is pretty remarkable; Rye bread toasted with a hard boiled egg sliced on top and some pepperNext time, though, I'm trying it with a soft-boiled egg which will hopefully be even more amazing.
Other fun things that have happened since I last posted include:
      This case competition that I went to! I am an accounting geek and I love the competition aspect. It was my first time going to one of these, but I will definitely sign up again.  This picture is the prize money that was awarded to the first place team (not my school, unfortunately).  I should fill you in, though. At an accounting case competition, you go with a team of approx. 4 people and compete against students, usually for awesome prizes! This was just a one-day competition where we were given the case when we got there and had two hours to analyze the issues and facts, and create a presentation with our solutions.  The two-hour time period flew by and, all of a sudden, we were required to present in front of the judges.  These judges were intense!  
      We didn't win the competition in the end, but it was a great learning experience and I got to practice my presentation skills - which could definitely use the practice.  The whole day was catered and this might have been my favourite part!! Just kidding, but I did eat some good food and met so many awesome students from other schools.  There were a few recruiters there, too.  So hopefully I charmed them with my networking skills and overall chatty attitude haha.
 Studying... how I spent the rest of the time since I've blogged.
 Oh, but I did go out one night! It was a needed stress-reliever and I had a great time at the western-themed bar in London.  These boots don't get much use here at school (in the city) as they did back home where cowboy boots were an absolute part of your "going out" attire.

 Well I hope to get back to more regular posting! Until then, I have made a mental note to take pictures of all the randomness I get myself into :)

What's your favourite way to have toast?

Do you have a country/western bar near you? 
We also have the Lone Star Texas Grill near us which is a fun restaurant famous for it's fajitas.  Mmm now I am craving fajitas.

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